Remote Area Ministries

The Call of Remote Area Ministries, RAM, is to bring a demonstration of the Kingdom of God to each nation where God calls us to go. This demonstration is followed by the planting of a Bible school called a Kingdom Training Center (KTC) that teaches the principles of the Kingdom of God. Then the graduates are released to continue the cycle of demonstrating, teaching, and releasing in their own country.

We are honored to be able to carry out this ministry even as the apostle Paul writes in Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes." By God's grace we will continue to spread the good news by whatever means available such as intercession, traveling, or funding translations of teachings into various languages. Our desire is to advance His kingdom.


Latest RAM Newsletter

November 2024 Newsletter

Greetings in the Mighty, All-Powerful Name of Jesus!
Happy Thanksgiving!
It truly is time to give thanks, now that our nation has turned a corner! The Lord has shown up in mercy!
Click here to continue reading.

Wordless Gospel Cover

Download the Wordless Gospel

Explore the profound truths of the Gospel presented in a simple and accessible format. This beautifully illustrated guide offers a unique and engaging way to understand the core message of the Bible, making it perfect for all ages.

Click Here to Download

Wordless Gospel Coloring Book

This Black and White coloring book is free for any one to use as an evangelist tool or teaching in Children's Church. One line subtitles explain each page from Creation to End times.

Click Here to Download

Wordless Gospel Cover


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Click these YouTube links to hear Grace:


What Is Jesus Doing Today?

-from Grace Tuls



We appreciate your prayers and contributions to Remote Area Ministries. You participate in RAM touching many people for the Kingdom of God.

If you would like to donate to Remote Area Ministries, please click here. We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, non-profit charity, providing donors tax receipts.